Definitions and responsibilities

Psychomotricity, a paramedical profession, is concerned with all the physical and psychological manifestations of a person. It considers motor, cognitive, affective and relational aspects.


What's it all about?

The aim of psychomotor treatment is to help the person reappropriate his or her body and better adapt to the world around him or her.

‍Thepsychomotor therapist is a healthcare professional, a medical auxiliary, who works on medical prescription.

Through the psychomotor assessment, he or she evaluates the subject's various psychomotor functions. After identifying the person's abilities, difficulties and mode of expression, he or she draws up a therapeutic project.

Domains and mediations

Role and scope of action

The psychomotrician can intervene in the following areas:

  • Screening
  • Prevention
  • Education
  • Rehabilitation
  • Therapy

The mediations used are varied and adapted to each case:

  • Psychomotor relaxation
  • Body expression
  • Plastic and rhythmic activities
  • Game
  • ...

He can exercise :

  • In private practice
  • In institutions: neonatology, maternity, pediatrics, socio-educational settings, child psychiatry, neurology, traumatology, psychiatry, geriatrics...